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Unfolding your Future

Cuente con un equipo multidisciplinario comprometido con los más altos estándares.

Estamos orgullosos de estos números:

Solar Generation
Wind Generation
+3 GW
clean energy
in Chile


Distributed generation




Trinergy is a “joint-venture” of the companies Tritec and Das Grüne Emissionshaus - Grupo DGE, both pioneers in the implementation of renewable energy projects in the European market.

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and Engineering

Desarrollamos proyectos en áreas con un gran potencial de generación de energía, diseñados siguiendo las mejores prácticas nacionales e internacionales

of Maintenance

We standardize the rigorous maintenance processes of solar and wind power plants, aligning practices with the regulation of different sector bodies and entities, guaranteeing operational excellence.

and Security

We follow the highest standards of engineering, construction and safety and use the best equipment brands to guarantee high operational reliability.

Estructuración Financiera.

We invest our own capital in our ventures, but we also look for non-market alternatives for financing, in order to enhance the return on investment for shareholders.


TRINERGY is the fruit of the union of Swiss-German-Chilean expertise in renewable energies, consolidating the tradition and innovation of leaders such as TRITEC and Grupo DGE. Since the inauguration of the first Swiss photovoltaic power plant for TRITEC in 1987 to the expansion of TRINERGY in Latin America and its consolidation in Brazil in 2021, we have been a transformative force in the energy sector.

We carry out all the conception and development processes of our projects, starting with the selection of land, analysis of resources, environmental feasibility studies and system connection solutions. This commitment to excellence at every stage ensures that we deliver efficient, sustainable and high-quality energy solutions for our partners and customers.


Building a Sustainable Future:
We are motivated by the desire to raise a greener and more sustainable planet for present and future generations.

Support to Organizations:

We help organizations achieve their energy goals, contributing to sustainable growth.

Promotion of Clean Energy:

We encourage the adoption of clean energy, a transformative force capable of renewing our way of life.

Combat Climate Changes:

We act actively to reduce carbon emissions and minimize the adverse impacts of climate change.

Energy Transition:

We promote a transition to an energy matrix that harmonizes with our ecosystem.

Balance Vision:

We are moved by a world where development and sustainability coexist in perfect harmony.

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